When will I receive my order?
Orders are processed within 1 week, and estimated shipping time is available during checkout. Please allow up to 2 weeks to receive your order within the U.S. and up to 4-6 weeks outside of the U.S.
Important: If you have a deadline for your order sooner than 2 weeks in the U.S. and 6 weeks internationally, please send an e-mail! Otherwise, your order may not arrive in time.
Can you ship internationally?
Yes! Please note that there is a possibility for customs fees or tariffs to be added on.
Can I ship as a gift?
Yes! Please write in the notes section or e-mail me if you'd like to include a special note for the person. Please order with time to spare (so it arrives in time)!
Why is shipping so expensive?
Unfortunately, I have to pay what the USPS costs to ship in addition to the packaging costs! I wish I could make it cheaper, but the shipping costs are not in my control.
Why can't I buy other things from the store?
I'm currently opening with a limited release of stock so that I can keep the store open for longer! I plan on increasing the products available in the future. If you really want a special order, please e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do!
Can I return my order?
All sales are final. Please contact me if there's something wrong, and I will do my best to make it right!
Can I change my order?
Please message me as soon as possible! I can change it with no problem before I ship it, but it cannot be changed if it has been sent out.